Hi everyone Aaron now for ZolloTech andthe iPhone XR and the iPhone se are the least expensive iPhones offered newfrom Apple right now so in my left end I have the iPhone XR and in my righthand I have the new 2020 iPhone se II and so in this video I wanted to helpyou decide which one “wouldve been” best for you is not simply located off toll but basedoff things like the camera overall recital and battery life as well andsome other things and if you just wanted to hop to any specific point in this videowhere you want to see perhaps the camera comparison all of the time codes arelinked in the description below now the first thing is the iPhone XR comes ina variety of hues as does the iPhone se the iPhone XR offered in whiteblack coral yellowish off-color and red whereas the iPhone se comes in three colorswhite black and make red and the produce red colors that I have herethey each facilitate gift to different effects around the world to help fightdisease so these particular phones will actually establish a little bit of the profitfrom the phones from Apple to those lawsuits now as far as the price overallthe iPhone XR collections from a $5.99 and goes up to six hundred and fortynine dollars whereas the iPhone se ranges at 399 and goes to 549 now youhave some storage alternatives as well the iPhone se is less expensive but comes in6 4 128 or 256 gigabytes whereas the iPhone XR merely comes available in twostorage sizes 64 and 128 gigabytes so you do get a little bit little storage nowthese options have changed since they were initially pioneered and since thenew iPhone se is fairly brand-new at this detail within a month or so depending onwhen you’re watching this video it comes in three different options and has alarger storage size now as far as the overall build and construction both aremade out of aluminum in fact the iPhone se is basically an iPhone 8 as far asits design and overall feel so it’s aluminum on the two sides and on theleft-hand side you have the same exact layout you have your silent switch onthe surpas followed by your two volume buttons and then on the right side youhave your power sleep/ aftermath button and your SIM card trays and while the SIMcard tray simply deems one SIM card it does support dothrough the actual isom inside the phone so you can use dual Sims that route foreither telephone now as far as the top is concerned there’s nothing there and thenon the bottom of the phones we have the exact same layout so you have a speakera microphone and your lightning connector or your lightning port nowboth patronize wireless billing that means they have glass front and back andthey both have singular cameras which we’ll talk about in a little bit now thesize difference between both of these is going to be may be the deciding factorfor a lot of parties so the iPhone se is a very small phone it fits in your handvery well peculiarly if you have small-minded handwritings as you can see I don’t but theiPhone XR offers a little bit bigger display a little bit bigger feel it’s alittle bit thicker as far as its overall length and it’s just a larger phone ingeneral now if you’ve ever seen an iPhone 6 all the way to an iPhone 8that’ s the exact same size as this phone for the best part the iPhone se theiPhone XR and the iPhone 11 are the same size they’re in between the iPhone8 and the iPhone 11 Pro Max so it’s sort of an in-between size with the XR anda lot of people really like this size the iPhone 11 pro max or XS Max wasjust too big so the iPhone se is really for those working that appreciate a smallerphone they likewise both have ip6 7 certification so that prepares them waterand dust resistant up to 1 meter for 30 minutes that does not mean they arewaterproof and Apple will not cover damage if it’s caused by water so if youwant to make this float or in the shower you really should be putting itin a amply waterproof case where Apple will actually guarantee that they willnot guarantee replacement of water expense even with Apple care you’ll stillhave to pay a bit to replace the phone now the displays on both telephones arefairly similar in that their LCD exposes and they have a lot ofsimilarities as far as their overall creation now plainly there is asize difference so if with the iPhone XR we have a 6.1 inch liquid Retinadisplay its 1792 by 828 with 326 pixels per inch the iPhone se also has 326 pixels per inch but is 1334 by 750 at 4.7 inches across and you can see itssquared off whereas the iPhone XR has the rounded cornersand face ID both of them have haptic style there is no 3d touch on eitherphone so if you long press on the flaunts you’ll get the same sort ofthing on both designs you don’t have 3d touch anymore it’s all just done bypress and accommodate they likewise have similar intensities at 625 nits so if I turnthe phones all the way up you won’t be able to tell on the camera but they havethe exact same brightness level on both of them both flaunts look really gooddespite what some people say the actual pixel density is high enough that youcan’t see the pixels and the government has good viewing tilts as well they go delightful andbright indoors and outdoors and you shouldn’t have any issues realise them atall so they both inspect really good they have great viewing inclinations and you can’tsee the pixels the only difference is with the higher-end iPhones that haveOLED flaunts those have deeper blacks but overall these are the best LCDdisplays on the market in my opinion now both phones even though they are nottechnically as high as 1080 p as far as their decide is concerned we’ll bothsupport 1080 p YouTube videos so what happens is the phones actually willscale that resolution to fit the parade so where the iPhone se is closer to 720 pthe iPhone XR is in between 720 and 1080 P so you’ll identify we have the optionfor 1080 p on either spectacle and it will search just fine on a smaller display theresolutions are less important than if you’re on a huge television in yourliving room so 720 p is is just fine on this showing you can’t see the pixelsand in fact iPad pro and all the iPads have lower pixel concentrations and thesedisplays actually appear a little bit nicer when they’re held up close nowboth phones have stereo talkers and they go about similarly loud so you have aspeaker up at the top and then you also have one on the bottom and both of thesespeakers like I said are mostly analogous you’ve got wide bang stereosound and they’re great for watching videos now the iPhone XR has face IDwhere the iPhone se has touch ID it’s mostly an iPhone 8 with aniPhone 11 internals but you do have the second gen touch ID where it’s nice andfast to unlock it’s very easy to do and on the iPhone XR you merely foster it andswipe up as you’re invoke the phone and it opens both are about thesame speed some people are going to prefer touch ID some people are going toprefer face ID but you have the option of either or and they both work well soit just really comes down to whatever you choose to use now internally both ofthem have very fast processors the iPhone XR has the a 12 Bionic CPUwhereas the iPhone se has the newer a 13 Bionic but they both have threegigabytes of RAM and they’re astonishingly close as far as theirspeeds that a 13 has a newer knurl engine should so that should help itwith cameras and photos and things like that and video as well and we’ll take alook at that in a moment but as far as the overall speeding it should be basicallythe same so if you were to open apps we’ll take a closer look at the velocity alittle bit later but exactly things like opening music are going to be basicallythe same scrolling should be the same doing intensive assignments will be the sameit truly come to when you’re doing things with the camera whereyou’ll learn some of significant differences now both have front-facing cameras at 7megapixels they both have F 2.2 apertures and both can record in 1080pat 30 frames per second however with the iPhone XR because you have face ID youalso have a true-blue breadth sensor but you can do portrait mode on either so if wego into the camera now snap the camera aroundwe do have portrait procedure on both of them it took a second on both of them butyou’ll insure they’re both responding the same let me snap a word-painting here and andyou can see both of the pictures are basically going to look the same now asfar as the rear facing cameras you do have a little bit of a difference therein that the iPhone se actually carries over the sensor from the iPhone 8 butadds the a 13 bionics handling to help make the pictures a little bit betterwhereas the iPhone XR has a very similar camera as well we both have 12 megapixel sensors with F 1.8 holes and both can record at 4k 60 however oneof the interesting things is let’s invent the cameras around here one of theinteresting things is we can’t reform the actual frame rate in real epoch onthe iPhone XR only by tapping on the upper right hand side corner so you’llsee it’s stuck at 4k 35 do the same thing on the iPhone seyou’ll see that it’s actually able to change between all the different framerates so that’s kind of interesting there’s no reason the iPhone XRcouldn’t do it they just didn’t lent it so that’s kind of strange but it’ssomething you’ll have to deal with now I wanted to show you some samples not onlyof the video but also of photos taken with the rear facing cameras so take alook at some of these I’m recording video with both the iPhone XR and theiPhone se and so now you are eligible to examine the microphone of the iPhone se and experience whatit is just like as compared to the microphone on the iPhone data are bothof them look pretty good to me but let me know what you think about them in thecomments below now the cameras are great for takingportraits of people and things like that but they won’t do object portrait modeso you’ll consider both of them say no person detectives so they’re very equal in thatright now the forward-facing camera on the iPhone XR because it has thetrue profundity sensor you can do things like momochi so if we’re in words hereyou’ll consider we have the option for an emoji and momochi and so maybe I want topick the mouse now you’ll see you’ll producing it up full screen you’ll see itwill face trail and do an emoji and Memoji and things like that so if youwant to use it it’s in the XR it is not in the iPhone se no battery life on bothphones is quite a bit different with the iPhone se because it’s fairly small wehave a 1821 milliamp hour artillery that’s going to get you about four to fivehours of regular squander but with the iPhone XR it has a 2942 milliamp hour batterywhere some people are getting up to seven hours of screen on time so it justdepends on what you’re doing with your phone how you’re using it expect tocharge it a little more but both will support fast accuse if you havethe fast charge adapter and both substantiate wireless billing you are eligible to setyour phone on a wireless charger and it will charge no problem both of themsupport wireless bill so “youve had” that building in for both so it can becharged however you’d like it labours immense either way but with the iPhone sebecause the batteries smaller expected to charge a little bit faster also nowinternally because we have the a13 in the iPhone SE and the a12 in the iPhoneXR there are some different wireless standards so for example with the iPhoneXR it corroborates Wi-Fi a b/ g/ n and AC along with bluetooth 5.0 but with theiPhone se it reinforces Wi-Fi ABG and a CA x which is Wi-Fi 6 and then bluetooth5. 0 so you do get Wi-Fi 6 in the brand-new iPhone se so that really shouldn’t helpyou resolve which one to get but you do get the advantage of a little bitfaster speedings if you have a Wi-Fi 6 router at home or you’re out about usingit now speed between both of them should be fairly similar even though they havea little bit of a difference when it comes to the CPU so if you’re just doingsomething sim like shop the internet you’re on awebpage you’re going to see the same sort of scrolling rapidity the same sortof know-how perhaps you want to laded the sheet on iPhone se you’ll participate sometimesit’s going to vary depending on what you’re doing but overall they’re goingto be mostly the same depending on how you’re using them now there’s acouple of other ways to show you this one way is to actually show you theGeekbench tallies or the benchmarks of what the actual CPU can perform at whenit’s given a specific task so let’s take a look at the Geekbench compositions and so ifwe flow the CPU Geekbench composes we’ll touched extended mark and we’ll cause them runand I’ll evidence you the gap between the two of them when it comes to thesescores now the benchmarks have completed and you can see on the iPhone XR wehave 1117 whereas on the iPhone se for single core composition “were having” 1319 now for amulti-core we have a little bit faster on the iPhone se as well at 2565 verse2 443 now this should give you a general notion of what the CPU is actually capableof and then too the estimate composition shows you graphic ability so we’ll feed thebenchmark on both sets of and discover what this says as well now in the graphicsdepartment the iPhone se is quite a bit faster as well so we have 6337 first theiPhone XR 4000 486 so this just gives you a general project of what the CPUcan do when you push specific tasks at it now let’s take a look at what it cando as far as opening a game you shouldn’t really appreciate much of adifference between these so let’s go into minecraft here let’s see if I canfind it now there we go we’ll open minecraft and so let’s turn these so wecan see it a little bit better we’ll smack continue we’ll hit performance createa new world and let’s hit create and then we’ll hitproceed now this isn’t undoubtedly represented on overall horsepower ofthe processor but it gives you an idea of what it’s like when you’re loading avideogame and you should participate the frame charges basically the same both our 6 DPdisplays so you really shouldn’t expect more than thatso in general they’re going to be equally smooth between both of them nowone final behavior I like to show what it can do is export a 4k video since computersneed a great deal of ability to do the same thing in iOS or iPhones and iPads in generalare very good at this so let’s go into iMovie we’ll close out minecraft exactly tobe fair in fact let’s close everything let’s go over to iMovie now we’ll gointo it on this telephone and on this one and what you’ll see is this is the exactsame video on both so you can shrink the timeline or make it a little bit biggerlet’s shrink it now to make it even and what you’ll see is it’s the exact samevideo on both if I move all the way to the end it’s a three instant and 45 seconds so what I’m going to do is export this in 4k and picture what it takesas far as its time to do so so let’s go ahead and slip these over we’ll bringin a different I phone as a stopwatch now and let’s see what we can do sowe’ll slam done on both of them then we’ll stumble share then we want to save thevideo and then we’re going to select 4k so I’ll make 4k and then start and let’ssee what they time as far as export goes now I’ll hasten this up so you don’t haveto watch the whole thing now that’s incredibly fast for both ofthese they’re very similar as far as export durations and to export in twominutes and 26 seconds is faster than many MacBooks that I’ve seen so ingeneral that’s very impressive now both phones are quite impressive asfar as rate and they keep working well with the latest iPhone 11 Pro 11 Pro Max andso you really shouldn’t have an issue there and I feel the determination ofwhich one you should buy comes down to a couple different things the first onebeing rate 399 for the purposes of an iPhone se is pretty hard to beat and then simply alittle bit more if you require some more storage but the iPhone XR is likely to be hadpretty reasonably as well depending on if you get it new refurbished with adeal at your carrier or things like that so size of course is the otherdetermination so not only price but immensity personally I pick the iPhone XR andthat is because of its immensity my hands are larger I liked a little bit biggerscreen and face ID is something I’ve gotten used to but if you’re someonethat really likes touch ID then the iPhone se is for you unless of coursethe phone is too small so you’ll still remains to the iPhone 8 plus that you couldpick up refurbished or maybe we’ll have an iPhone se plus last-minute this year butright now I visualize the iPhone for me is the XRbut depending on size and budget is really what is contributing to determine whichone to pick they’re both similarly fast they both go huge video and photosand I consider either one is the right choice depending on what works best foryou but let me know which ones the one you would pick and why in the commentsbelow if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaper of course I’ll link it inthe description as I always do and if you haven’t subscribed previously pleasesubscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as ever thanksfor watching this is Aaron I’ll see you next time
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